If you’re an online content creator, and you’ve ever wondered how others in the industry generate revenue – you’re in the right place!
We’ve surveyed over 200 hand-selected influencers, across a wide range of niches, to establish:
We surveyed 212 influencers across a variety of different niches. Respondents were hand-picked according to a robust criteria of no fewer than 10,000 followers on Instagram and/or Twitter, or a minimum of 185,000 subscribers on YouTube. Participants were sourced organically.
How Influencers Generate Revenue:
73% of influencers use sponsorships or sponsored content to generate revenue.
66% of influencers use sponsored social media posts to generate revenue.
38% of influencers use free products to generate revenue.
33% of influencers use brand representative agreements or endorsements to generate revenue.
32% of influencers use affiliate marketing to generate revenue.
31% of influencers use consulting to generate revenue.
30% of influencers use banner ads to generate revenue.
28% of influencers use speaking or guest appearances to generate revenue.
21% of influencers sell their own branded merchandise to generate revenue.
17% of influencers use YouTube/TrueView ads to generate revenue.
8% of influencers use television or radio show appearances to generate revenue.
8% of influencers use tipping or gifting to generate revenue.
6% of influencers use book deals to generate revenue.
5% of influencers use Patreon to generate revenue.
2% of influencers use crowdfunding to generate revenue.
What generates most revenue for influencers:
38% of influencers rate sponsorships or sponsored content as their top source of revenue.
18% of influencers rate sponsored social media posts as their top source of revenue.
7% of influencers rate consulting work as their top source of revenue.
6% of influencers rate YouTube/TrueView advertising as their top source of revenue.
6% of influencers rate selling their own branded merchandise as their top source of revenue.
4% of influencers rate banner advertisements as their top source of revenue.
3% of influencers rate speaking or guest appearances as their top source of revenue.
2% of influencers rate free products as their top source of revenue.
1% of influencers rate affiliate marketing as their top source of revenue.
1% of influencers rate book deals as their top source of revenue.
1% of influencers rate television or radio shows as their top source of revenue.
Complete the form above for the downloadable report which has a breakdown of which content types are most commonly created for each niche.
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